A Day in the Life of Wolfenpimp

One rather splendid morning, Wolfen of tha Highest Order of tha Most Magnificent n' Noble Valkyrie Slayers Unbeknownst ta Mere Mortals dat Roam dis Non-Ethereal Plane n' Work Tirelessly Plowin Unworthy Wenches Whilst Wolfen Voraciously Rips Fake Gangstas tha fuck into Shredz of Unusable Ham not Fit fo' even Homeless Men went ta tha supermarket ta try his hand at suttin' other than his thugged-out aiiight lewd profession.
It did not go well.
Soon, boxes n' parcels was strewn across tha store, n' Wolfen of tha Highest Order of tha Most Magnificent n' Noble Valkyrie Slayers Unbeknownst ta Mere Mortals dat Roam dis Non-Ethereal Plane n' Work Tirelessly Plowin Unworthy Wenches Whilst Wolfen Voraciously Rips Fake Gangstas tha fuck into Shredz of Unusable Ham not Fit fo' even Homeless Men had ta leave, as his threadz had become messy.
Da end yo, but it ain't no stoppin cause I be still poppin'.